
What's all this about then?

For years I said I would never start a blog. Well, apparently I’m a liar.

That’s me, the liar, looking subdued during a trip to South Africa. I don’t love having my photo taken but seeing as I was outside Nelson Mandela’s old house I decided to make an exception.

My name’s Jo. I have two names you probably can’t pronounce so let’s leave it at that for now. I’m a Zambian, born and raised in Lusaka. I’ve taken every opportunity I’ve had to travel within Africa, the US and Europe and I did my full undergraduate degree in Brisbane, Australia (in my head, I still live there).

I don’t travel nearly as much as I would like. And much like many other 20-somethings I’m still trying to figure out what I’d like to do with my. Stick around if you know what that’s like. My life’s not as dramatic as a Kardashian or a Real Housewife but if you want to read the random musings of a random girl from Zambia as she powers through endures a quarter life crisis then stick around.

My interests are varied and I hope to write about a lot of different things. From natural hair to music, religion and non-religion to health and fitness I hope to cover it all and maintain my sanity through it all. 


  1. Jo, this is so original. enjoy doing what you love...write on girl.

    1. Thank you so much Prima! Great to hear from you.
